Midwest Laboratories follows rigorous Quality Control specifications set forth by the reference methods we perform and by our Accreditation Bodies. Our QC department is heavily involved in daily operations including employee onboarding, quality training, investigation of OOS results, client complaint investigation, process improvement, and so much more.
ISO/IEC 17025:2017
We are accredited through reciprocity from our Florida TNI Scope in the following states:
- Nebraska
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Oklahoma
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington
We participate in the following Soil programs:
- Iowa DALS
- Wisconsin DATCP
We participate in the following Proficiency Testing Programs:
- Phenova (drinking water, wastewater, hazardous waste)
- AAFCO (animal feed, pet food ingredients, mycotoxins)
- AOAC (microbiology)
- FAPAS (various food analyses)
- AACC (Vitamins, Minerals, Proximates; dietary fiber; sugar profile)
- ALP (soil analysis)
- NAPT (soil and plant analysis)
- CAPP (compost analysis)
- Magruder (fertilizer analysis)
- MAP (manure analysis)
- Wisconsin DATCP (soil analysis)