IMPORTANT: APHIS Regulations for Soil Sample Materials

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is a US governmental agency that regulates soils from certain zones within the United States as well as foreign soil materials. To ensure compliance with APHIS regulations, please take note of the following guidelines:

DOMESTIC SAMPLES: If your county is regulated, soil MUST be packaged in two inner packages (such as a double bag) in addition to an outer shipping container. Before submitting samples, reference the map depicting APHIS regulated areas.

Click here for the most recent USDA Federal Domestic Quarantines for Movement of Soil map  

INTERNATIONAL SAMPLES: The following additional steps must be taken before submitting samples:

  • Soil must be shipped with a copy of the PPQ 330 Permit to Receive Soil. To obtain a label, please visit our Permits resource page
  • A PPQ Form 550 shipping label must be secured to the exterior of each shipment using clear/transparent tape. Labels can be provided upon request to Stephanie Peterson at Midwest Laboratories (speterson@midwestlabs.com) or from an Account Manager
  • Please note that failure to comply with APHIS regulations may result in delayed or rejected samples.

Please contact our Director of Receiving and Special Operations, Stephanie Peterson, at speterson@midwestlabs.com with any questions or your account manager.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping to protect the health and value of American agriculture and natural resources.

For further help with getting started, contact us anytime:


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